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Indigenous women and our allies uniting together on the New Moons and each Solstice & Equinox to nonviolently defend and protect the sacred system of life.

Commitments to signing & supporting the Treaty:

We call upon our sisters and their allies around the world to gather together on each new moon to pray for the sacred system of life, guidance and wisdom, and, on every solstice and equinox to:

Pledge to nonviolence and become trained in nonviolent direct action Nonviolently rise up with others in your communities and around the world to demand immediate changes in the laws that have created the destruction Commit nonviolent acts of civil disobedience where destruction is occurring until it is stopped

Continue these acts until “business as usual” is halted and life on Mother Earth is safe for generations to come We understand that the system of laws in many governments around the world have been crafted to support an economic and corporate system that is destroying the ability of life to exist in the manner in which it has existed for millennia.

There are times in history when it becomes necessary for the people to rise up to change the intolerable. There is nothing more intolerable than the destruction of thousands of species, including our own.

We understand that we do not have the time to change this system in the manner in which these systems are normally changed.

We understand that we have run out of time. We are drawing the line and saying that the harms stop here and now. For these reasons we invite our sisters and their allies around the world to join us in teach‐ins and nonviolent direct actions at all of the facilities and seats of power that are causing the destruction.

We invite you to do this calmly, without malice, and with the love in your hearts for everything you hold dear.

You are invited to join us in this prayer from wherever you are on Mother Earth’s belly. We are committed to conducting these ceremonies on each new moon: 2019 – Dates from the NASA website:

  • Saturday, January 6
  • Monday, February 4
  • Tuesday, March 6
  • Thursday, April 5
  • Friday, May 4
  • Saturday, June 3
  • Monday, July 2
  • Tuesday, August 1
  • Thursday, September 28
  • Sunday, October 28
  • Tuesday, November 26
  • Wednesday, December 26